Ministry of Environment and Water announce the Call for proposals under the Programme: Environment Protection and Climate Change CALL №2

Today 8th May 2020, the Ministry of Environment and Water announce the Call for proposals № 2 “Circular economy” under Outcome 3: “Improved use of resources at the municipal level (circular economy)” under the  Environment Protection and Climate Change Programme of EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.

The Call is addressed to the following stakeholders: municipalities. According to Art. 16 of the Waste Management Act (WMA), the municipalities have the primary responsibility for waste management in their territory. 

The Call for project proposals under the Call №2 “Circular economy” is aimed at implementing measures to reduce the amount of waste generated, implementation of municipal schemes for separate collection and recycling of waste.


The envisioned funds under the first call are  1 582 303 euro. The minimal amount that can be requested is 200 000 euros whereas the maximum one is – 400 000 euro.

The deadline for submission of project proposal is 31.08.2020

The guidelines for application and the accompanying documentation are published on the Information System of Management of the EU Funds (EUMIS 2020) on the following link: HERE